Rotate Ads in Javascript with Ad-rotator

Ad rotator in javascript

For many websites, advertisements could mean a substantial source of revenue. Hence, making it appealing, clickable and unobtrusive is an essential base requirement. Lets see how you could easily setup ad rotation on your website with the use of a standalone javascript library Ad-rotator. Ad Rotation in pure javascript We made a small list of … Read more

File Upload with API Platform and Symfony

Handling File Uploads API Platform

In this guide, we will walk you through the steps of how to handle file uploads with API platform and Symfony. The official documentation on file uploads seems a bit convoluted to me and hence this article hopes to make it easy (in layman’s terms)! To many, handling File upload may seem tricky, but is … Read more

How to Encrypt LocalStorage data?

Encrypt Localstorage

Sometimes, you might want to encrypt your data stored in the LocalStorage given that it is easily readable by anyone having sufficient knowledge on where to look. Lets see how we can encrypt localstorage data with ease. Instead of reinventing the wheel, we are going to use a localStorage wrapper that takes care of checking … Read more

All in one smart search with typeahead standalone

Typeahead standalone

Building a smart search that’s fast, autocompletes your queries and displays suggestions is something that everyone would love on their website. Today you will be introduced to a sleek, lightweight and most importantly, a standalone autocomplete library – typeahead-standalone.js. Why typeahead standalone ? Before answering that, know that typeahead-standalone is heavily inspired from the famous … Read more

Duplicate a Mysql Database – Tutorial

Duplicate Mysql Database

Learn how to duplicate a mysql database in 2 simple steps. Many a times, you want to duplicate a database to create a backup, to test against real data or just because you want to. Lets quickly checkout how this can be done step-wise. We will be using the command line utility to duplicate the … Read more

How to use Webpack Analyzer Bundle

Webpack analyzer bundle helps you to visualize the output of webpack in an interactive map. It displays the size that each bundle uses before and after being minified and compressed (gzipped). This can help you to discover which bundles are huge and if any of the bundles got in by mistake. Lets check this out … Read more

JWT Authentication with Symfony

JWT Authentication with Symfony

Configuring JWT Authentication with Symfony can be quite tricky, especially for beginners. We’ll guide you through a step-by-step tutorial getting you up to speed. We use LexikJWTAuthenticationBundle to setup JWT Auth in less than 10 mins. Our setup for JWT Authentication with Symfony Symfony 3.x, 4.x, 5.x FosUserBundle (you may use any other user provider … Read more